Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Monsoon Storm

Monsoon's at our house. I don't know why, but over in our area we always get hit hard during the storms. This is a picture of the nearby lightpost that got hit by an uprooted full grown tree, and knocked over. Tree's all over the neighborhood were knocked down. Debris was everywhere. The power was out for about two hours. The girls had fun with the lightsticks and reading stories in mommy's bed. We also watched the rain, wind and hail throw all the toys in the backyard around while we ate popsicles. The roof is leaking in the laundryroom and flooded all over the floor. So Dad our water and mold expert will have to take a look at it next week when he gets time. Our neighbors camper on his truck flew out of his backyard, into our back gate and broke the gate and then flew down the block to another neighbor's house and hit his truck. What a CRAZY NIGHT!

1 comment:

danberg said...

wow! you guys got hit hard! we had a couple minor leaks, but luckily no flying trees or campers! crazy!