We went to G & G Peel's for yummy Peel Family Breakfast! Then Michelle and the boys came for a swim party. Perfect Way to spend the day!

Maddi is such a sweetheart. She is always trying to make everyone happy and wants everything to be perfect. She has a beautiful voice and loves singing. She ended up reading 130 books, only to find out that they quit handing out Gold medals and only gave her a wimpy ribbon. Her teacher went out and got her a 1st place ribbon to go with it, since she had read the most books in the class. I was still so proud of her. She loves to be healthy and will turn down junk food if she thinks she ate too much. She also will say, "Just water for me, I don't want too much sugar." Is this my child?? She always has to wear a shirt under any dress because she try's so hard to be modest, although when a bug was on her swimsuit today she had no problem stripping completely down while she screamed like a girl! She is a huge helper to Mom and Gunner, and wants to be a balerina and an artist when she grows up. She also loves mom's jewelry and tried to negotiate getting her ears pierced in exchange for her making my bed. Our rule is ears pierced at 12. Pretty clever thinking though!
Katie loves to help cook everything. Even if it's just to open the microwave. She is always in the kitchen. She also loves mom's makeup, and won't stay out of it. Katie loves reading, when Maddi was reading her 100 books, Katie started her own list. But didn't care if she ever wrote them down, she was just happy reading. She loves to tease everyone, she will hide in the strangest places for the longest time, just so she can jump out and get you. Although Katie is a natural born leader, she also loves to mimic everyone else. She loves the copycat game. The other night at prayer time it went something like this, "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. Please bless aunt Michelle to feel better. Please bless uncle Eric that when he is being a police officer that he won't get shot and died when the bad guys shoot at him, and so he can still be a police officer. And please bless Ben that he won't say, "Jingle Bells, Batman smells Robin layed a Gun, He shot a tree and made it pee." Please bless him not to say that again, because it's not nice. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." Oh Katie, what was God thinking sending such a brilliant child to me?
Gunner, WHOLY MOLY!!! This kid keeps me so busy. I feel like every day is a marathon, the goal is to keep Gunner alive. He's pretty tough though. Today we noticed half his big toe nail was completely ripped off, not sure how, but it doesn't seem to bother him. Gunner is also a tease. He'll go to something he knows he shouldn't do and then turn around and look to see if you are watching. Then he laughs, runs off and comes back to do it again. He climbs to the top of the couch and try's to jump off. He figured out how to pull out the chairs around the table so he can climb on top of it now. He hangs on the oven door and try's to push his feet up to climb it too. He has a bouncy zeebra he stands on and then try's to jump off of that onto the couch. He has landed on his head so many times, just to get up and do it again. His big sisters sometimes forget to close the bathroom door and I've had to clean him up from pee and poo at least three times this week. He's a little OCD about keeping things closed, banging the cubbords and throwing away trash. I thought I was so clever to teach him to throw away his own diaper, but now we keep finding things in the trash; shoes, cups, toys, and we are missing two remotes??hmm....He learned how to say, thank you, uh oh, all done, and outside. He is so fun, but so much work. How will I survive?