Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I am the Champion

I'm wondering why they put this at the top of Wind Caves instead of at the begining???

The View From the Top

Enjoying the journey

It took me 4 hours to get up and back but 8months pregnant and out of shape momma did it! I feel like a champion!

Maddi was such a trooper. She did the whole thing by herself without any help, and she carried the backpack more than half the time. She stayed by me the whole time so she could help me, and when she made it up the mountain before me she came back down to help me the rest of the way. She is such a sweet little lady. I was so proud of her.
Katie knows how to work it with her Dad! Adam does this hike in under an hour, since I took so long he tried adding to his excersize by carrying two up the mountain. Everyone thought he was Super Dad!

Gunner has learned a new favorite phrase... "Thank You". So Adam fed him these Veggi Puffs one at a time and with each one he got a thank you. It's so cute!Almost to the top and Katie decided to take a break. I kept trying to get her to keep going. A very frustrated Katie said, "I'm taking a break and I'm not going to go another step. My body just doesn't want to go anymore and my brain said 'get going body' and my body just said no"

Gunner went around hitting all the poles just so he could hear the sound they made.

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