Saturday, May 16, 2009

Full of it!

So I had to go to the store today...(this is a funny story) and the lady at the cash register says, "You aren't going to have that baby right here are you?" I smiled and said, "Oh No, I still have a month to go." To which she replies, "Do you have more than one in there?" My immediate thought was, "Boy isn't she just full of compliments today. I wonder if she even knows how rude she is being?" But feeling confident in myself I ignore the rudeness and answer, "Nope just one" Then she goes on to tell me how huge her daughter got with her last one and she had a 9lb baby, so I will probablly have a 9lb baby too. I started to explain how I didn't have time to loose the weight from the last one before I had this one, but then decided I didn't really care what she thought. I did however get in the car and started to think (I could do this since I had no children with me at the time) why do people choose this time to be so rude. I always get little comments like this. Do I have a sign that says, "kick me while I'm down" Seriously... So here I am being brave enough to post my hugeness, maybe I can get a few more fun comments!


Ammon and Desiree said...

Hey Felicia, That was a great story! I'm worried that I will have to deal with those comments as well, since I am starting this pregnancy a little heavier than I was with my first pregnancy! I'm not huge yet, because I am only about eight or nine weeks along, but I know I will get there! I'll be brave and share my big self on my blog later! Love ya!

Bryce, Anna, Porter, Avery and Colette said...

Felicia- I am big and pregnant too and a few weeks ahead of you... I have not let any pictures be taken and I would die if they were posted on the blog. Bryce says I'm cute... not the word I would use right now and people who don't know you should only give sympathetic comments at this point... its over 100 degrees outside! Good luck with everything!

Quader's said...

Oh people have no brain!!! I tried on a pair of shorts and a lady checking out at the counter turns to look because the sales rep helping me is checking her out and commenting from the cash register on how she see's nothing(my lovely stretch marks that go down to my knees) Well the lovely lady says 'you need to tan, because tan fat looks better than white fat, you need to tan honey' oh okay well thanks maybe i don't want to bake in the sun and get skin cancer???? :) i bought the damn shorts they are cute and people can deal with my white fat :)

Shauna said...

Everyone has a comment to make to a pregnant woman! "You look like the baby has dropped" ('ve never seen me before!) "Are you sure there's not two in there" (I've seen the ultrasounds-pretty sure there's only one. Wasn't funny the first time I heard that nor the 20th.) "So, are you gonna have this baby any day or what?" (Well, my fortune cookies says Tuesday of next week.)

Felicia-good luck with the baby!!

gardnerfamily said...


I don't think you look big at all... and I have to say that I can't feel much sympathy for you. The story you just shared happened to me about 5X per day for the last two months of my first pregnancy. I also had Sister Kerby saying that if I didn't have my baby she might pop for me and Bruce's aunt telling me that I was the most pregnant woman she has ever seen. I think you look fabulous :). And you make beautiful, smart children so it will all be worth it right?

danberg said...

You seriously aren't that huge! people are just thoughtless. i think the shock would be more that your baby is sitting so low its shocking that you aren't in labor yet! seriously - people are crazy. do they think what they say makes you feel better, or do they just say it to make themselves feel better? Love all the pregnancy advice from strangers, right?

Allison Johnson said...

Yeah, I know how you feel. I have started growing exponentially every night now. I expect the comments to start anytime. I put up with them my first pregnancy...I have a bit more sas to me this time. People might just get put in there place for opening their mouths this time...