Monday, January 21, 2008

The greatest worst day!

On Saturday morning I woke up with one child on my head and another on my back, not to mention the one in my belly that only allows me to sleep in one position. I got up and got the girls busy. We had breakfast, they sat at the kids table, "Princess Marabelle" sat in a high chair on one side. Baby Minne sat in another chair on the other side, and the girls sat next to each of their own babies so they could feed them. That is how we ate breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then we checked out our new dance clothes for ballet class. Had a little fashion show. Maddi's stuff for her birthday party arrived in the mail and we went through it all to make sure it was all there. I bought a blanket craft, and the girls helped me make a blanket. Which we then made a fort out of. We colored, we told jokes... our new favorite, "Why did the (blank) cross the road? To get to the other side." It doesn't matter what goes in the blank.... a cow, a spoon, a mermaid.... as long as it gets to the other side, the girls think it's hilarious. I also got a new calender for the kids. They are always asking what day it is, and what are we doing today. So I got a calender that they could keep track of all that stuff. Although some assembly was required. I got January done, now for the other 11 months.... The girls helped me laminate and cut. They were great helpers. They helped me get baby brothers new clothes out and take the tags off so we could wash them. I also got some cars for brother that we played crash with. It was fun. At one point Maddi looked right up at me and said, "Mom, this is a great day." We stayed busy all day long, we played, laughed and had a great time. At night we read stories, brushed our teeth, said prayers and went to bed. Despite all the great fun we had, by the end of the day I picked up the keys, told Adam I'll be back, and I took off to the grocery store. I hate going anywhere at night by myself, but I had hit the limit. All day long, as busy as I tried to keep them, as much fun and excitement we had, had.... the girls fought all day long. The were in timeout at least 4 times each. They got grounded to their rooms once each, they got toys taken away, we lost tv time, I even spanked a child. (Which I don't believe in). No dishes got done, no laundry, the only laundry that was cleaned was left on the kitchen table and got knocked off once during coloring time, and once right before dinner. We had two accidents on the floor. Nothing got cleaned, none of my primary stuff got done, no bills were paid. Crayons were scattered all over the kitchen along with all the now shredded coloring pages. Every couch cushion was off the couch. By ten that morning I was already at my limit, but decided to keep trying for a good day. When dad came home, I tried to take a timeout for me, I got a bowl of ice cream and put on a chick flick. Until Dad and the girls came bursting in wrestling and screaming.... and wouldn't leave me alone. So I turned off the movie and went to the office for a few rounds of solitaire. Still I got interrupted. That's when I said I'm out of here. Looking back on it all, I think Maddi was right. It was a great day. I have so much to be thankful for. Here it is Monday, and I still have everything I had on Saturday. Just more of it.


Kleinmans said...

Oh the life of a mother!! Hang in there Lici! Make sure to get a break now, b/c you won't after #3 comes! =)

Crazymamaof6 said...

oh you are super mom! all that fun! and you deserve some alone time! i happens to all of us. and i never do anything fun with my kids. so you ROCK! it seems like when i really really need a break they get all clingy and in my space and i can't get a minute alone. UGH!

your girls are adorable! and you are so grown up now with baby # 3 on the way! i came from Michelle's blog. this is Julie jones! hugs for you! so fun to see ya and your cute family!

Pam said...

Brings back memories of when my kids were little. Hang in does get easier (when they are 21!) Ha Ha