Monday, January 14, 2008

Where in the World is Maddi???

It got very quiet this afternoon, so I went on a search for the children. Katie was downstairs drawing a picture of Princess Aurora, and she was pretending to be Prince Phillip. I asked her where her sis was.... (Princess Aurora) AKA Maddi. She said she was sleeping in her bed. So I went upstairs and looked in her bed... no Maddi. I looked in Katie's bed.... no Maddi. I looked under the bed.... no Maddi. I looked everywhere.... no Maddi. Just as I started to panic I heard a little sigh coming from her closet. I opened the door to find Princess Aurora, asleep on her bed. Adam said I had to take pictures and send it to Mom and Dad. He said because that was so me??? So here it is.


danberg said...
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danberg said...

Your girls are so cute, the perfect princesses! Your little boy will be the perfect prince I am sure! Cute!!

I saw your blog linked to Alana's.

Bekah Dannenberg

Kleinmans said...

That is so you! How funny.