Friday, March 21, 2008

I got tagged by my friend Kirstin....thanks a lot!!
What is his name- Adam
How long have you been together- We dated for a year in highschool and then we have been married for 6years. There was two years in between we didn't see or talk to eachother, because Adam was too busy with all his other girlfriends.
How long did you date- A year in high school and 2 months before we got married
How old his he- sometimes I think he's 14 but technically 27
Who eats more- Adam, he was taught to clean your plate. So he is always finishing what I don't. I don't care, becuase I would rather have a big boy then a skinny one. But he's been banned from eating at Flo's.... last time he ate there, he smelled for like a week!
Who said I love you first- I don't remember.... probablly me.... love's an action not a word so who cares who said it first
Who is taller- Adam, thank goodness. I could never have married a shorty!
Who can sing better- Me, Adam not so good.
Who is smarter- Adam is definitely the smarty in the family. He just lacks common sense.
Who does the laundry- Adam would roll over and die before he had to do laundry. If he ever runs out of clean underwear... he just wears the old ones again. Which I think has only happened once. Laundry is my forte!
Who pays the bills- I do, since Adam married me he stopped worrying about money. He leaves that special chore to me.
Who sleeps on the right side- Me, when we first got married we had a strict line down the middle that I wasn't allowed to cross except on special occasion.... but now I pretty much take 75% of the bed. And Adam is not allowed to cross the pillows without special invitation.
Who cooks dinner- Mostly me and my friends; Kraft, Betty Crocker, and Staufer's, dinners are rare at are house. Since Adam is gone most the time. It's not really ever anything fancy. But sometimes!
Who kissed who first- Adam, but he doesn't remember it.
Who proposed- Adam, he took me out to Tempe Town Lakes on a boat with Quizno's and Martinelli's and after he popped the question he turned on his idea of romantic music (Marvin Gaye's, Let's Get it On).... I almost had to say no.
Who has more friends- Everybody Loves Adam, but I think we are equal on the friends.
Who is more sensitive- I am... I don't think Adam will ever be the "sensitive" type.
Who has more siblings? Me
Who wears the pants? I let Adam think he does, but I do for sure.

Ok now I tag my sisters, Angela, Michelle, Jenn, the rest of you need to get a blog

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