Sunday, March 2, 2008


Today on the way home from church Maddi asked me what things are circles. I started naming some things, like clocks, pancakes, plates, cherries. Pretty soon the girls were thinking up their own things. I thought I would be tricky... and said trees. They both started laughing and said no, trees were not circles. I said, yes if you cut a tree in half and look down on it, you would see a circle. To which Maddi replied in her ("you are so dumb mom" voice) no, you would see a stump. I laughed so hard. What funny and smart children I have.


Bryce, Anna, Porter, Avery and Colette said...

So I finally made it over to your blog... fun pictures! We should go hiking with you guys some time... we need to be better about going out before it gets hot... plus from the looks of the videos from saturday the boys may need a little more supervision! I am really just glad they didn't get caught and get a ticket! Your girls are adorable... can't wait to meet your little boy... its coming up pretty fast, but i
m sure it doesn't feel soon enough!!

Kleinmans said...

duh mom...she's too smart!