Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Ah Crap another year older. And another year closer to 30, BUMMER! Today was actually one of the best birthday's I've had in like 20 years, so I can't complain. It all started with my girlfriend ALANA, who is so AWESOME! She brought me homemade breakfast. Yummy Mickey Mouse Pancakes, Eggs, Sausage, Bacon, Grapes, Orange Juice with the pulp still in it (Perfect)! She's amazing, how she managed to get up early enough with her two boys and do all that, is pretty amazing! Then my other friend Elena came over to watch the kids and gave me my 1st birthday present(actually at midnight I opened up my present from Adam), a black necklace she made that I wore tonight on my hot date with my hunny. Alright then onto.... I went and got a massage with my momma, and pedicure's and we went to lunch at Costa Vida. Then I came home (Michelle brought me some yummy chocolate, Better than Sex cake, you rock!!) in time to pick up carpools, got a good parking spot, total bonus! And today was dance, so we had to drive around. I came home and had 14 new voicemails, and 11 Happy Birthday's in my e-mails! Love all my friends and family, you all are the best! Also my Granny Fish is the best and brought me a bucket of KFC for dinner, which was perfect because we gave that to the kids for dinner, I had a piece, but was still full from lunch. So.... but then I didn't have to cook anything on my birthday. Then I somehow managed to talk Adam into seeing "Night in Rodanthe" with me. OK STUPIDEST movie I have ever seen. At the end of the movie I busted out laughing, Adam said, "what?" I then apologized profusely for making him come see such a stupid, stupid movie. What a waste, what a shame. Sometimes it's fun to have stupid moments.

Alright well I have had my 3 truth's and a lie posted on here for a couple weeks, it's about time to give some satisfaction... unfortunately they are all true, except for maybe the last one about having a pet bird, because it was my sister's and not mine, but everything else is true.
#1For our honeymoon, the original plans got somewhat botched and I ended up in a little room at the Mexico border, Adam had to cross though and wait on the American border. The guy walked in while snapping his surgical gloves asking us to get up against the wall and drop our pants and take off our shoes. I don't know how hard I prayed to get out of that one... but after a few hours of questions they let me go without a cavity search.

#2 When I was 11 my Dad took me up in a little Cessna plane just me and him and we flew around the valley. He let me take off, and I almost flipped the plane, he had to correct it so we didn't. He even let me fly around a little bit. So I claim that as being a co-pilot.

#3 I was actually the lead singer in a play once believe it or not. I don't know how old I was maybe 7? But I sang in a little play called STONE SOUP. I was so nervous, don't know how I did, somewhere there may be a recording.

#4 yes I had all those pets. My favorite was my iguana Joe's. I loved them so much. Maybe someday when my kids are all grown we might have another. Although getting whipped by one can leave some nasty welts.

So there is a little insight into Felicia, Happy Birthday to me!


Peter Lee Family said...

Happy Birthday, I didn't know it was your big day-I guess that is what happens when your not really in the loop! I can't believe how much you and Maddi look alike-so cute. Hope you had a great day!

Kleinmans said...

Glad you had a birthday! Love you!

Rosalyn Francis said...

That is the funnest birthday! I'm so glad to hear Rodanthe is stupid, I stop thinking about seeing it.... but, the massage... that sounds great =)