Monday, February 9, 2009

And It's OFF!!!!

She doesn't look nervous at all??? HA! She was so nervous. She was holding her breath the whole time.We barely got a smile out of her. Even though it's off she is still a little unsure.
We waited patiently while Katie got more X-Rays. Maddi was pretty proud that she got to hold Katie's cast while we were waiting.

Happy to be free!
Although she looks pretty happy here, she felt a little sick to her stomach driving home. And asked if she could just lay on the couch for a while. She didn't even want lunch. She perked up once we got home.
I told Katie we could take a long bath as soon as she got it off. She could hardley wait!
Katie's arm is still not completely healed, so she has to wear a wrist splint for the next 4 weeks. The Dr. asked if she was trustworthy... Adam and I both simultaneously, with hesitation in our voices said, "with what?" She is still not allowed to do any rough housing, bycycle riding, jumping, climbing, hanging.... etc. You know normal Katie stuff. The Dr. meant could she be trusted to be careful with her arm. Uh.... isn't that how she broke it in the first place? We will see how it goes.

Katie sporting the new splint!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow guys... that looks like it was quite the experience! Poor little Katie! She is a trooper! Cute pics...