Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fancy Nancy

Recently Katie read the book "Fancy Nancy, Poison Ivy Expert"In it she learned the new word, "Concealed". Later that week she came up to me and I noticed a loose clump of hair hanging from her head. Because of previous experience I knew she had been cutting again.

Me "Katie, did you cut your hair?"

Katie, "Yes, and do you know what mom?"

Me, "What".

Katie,"I concealed myself under the bed, and that's where I did it"

Me, "Hmmm".

Katie, "Concealed means I hid under the bed to do it, Mom. So I concealed myself."

Me, "Yes I know Katie"
I found all the clumps under the bed... luckily it didn't ruin the length, it was just a really wonderful layering job.


danberg said...

i am so not looking forward to emmy getting in that stage! i remember cutting my own hair as a kid, i'm sure my mom does too!!! katie is so funny!

Kleinmans said...

Ummm...I think you need to "conceal" the scissors! =)