Friday, May 8, 2009


Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma Fishy's.
Umm... and no I don't have any cute family or even children pictures in their Easter Outfits. It's been one of those months. Gunner turning one has braught a whole new set of challenges. It seems impossible to get anything done anymore. 4 Children is most likely the max for us. Although my spanish friend says we have to have at least 6 because Adam and I make such handsome children. I have to agree with that!!!

  • A Good day is when I didn't get puked, poo'd or peed on
  • A Better Day is when I showered, got dressed in something other than sweat pants and put make up on
  • A Good Day is when I get a shower.
  • A Better Day is when I get to shower alone.
  • A Good Day is when I slept more than 4 consistent hours.
  • A Better Day is when I slept one minute more than that.
  • A Good Day is when I got a load of dishes done.
  • A Better Day is when I get a load of dishes, laundry and maybe pick up one room.
  • A Good Day is when I don't burst out in tears and run screaming from the house that I can't do it anymore.
  • A Better Day is when I don't.
  • A Good Day is when I get 10minutes of me time.
  • A Better Day is when I get an hour.
  • A Good Day is when I didn't eat ice cream, cookies, donughts, or cake for breakfast
  • A Better Day is when I ate healthy all day.
  • A Good Day is when I get to count running errands and chores as excersize
  • A Better Day is when I actually do excersize.
  • A Good Day is when I get a massage, my hair done, a pedi, talked with friends, watched a movie, ate Ah So, didn't get upset with Adam
  • A Better Day is when that's not a dream.

So here is to better days... and hopefully more fun posts.

1 comment:

danberg said...

Love the pictures, and understand the good better. I don't know what I would do if I had two more! I am just glad our house is small, and Emmy is the only one right now. Pregnant in the summer is the pits! We should go out sometime soon, maybe pedicures a week before we are due? I think so!