Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why Not?

Today the Belt on the Vacuume broke and I had to fix it. Gunner wanted to help so bad, he kept taking all my parts and tools away. Finally we got done and then I started vacuuming, and he kept walking in front of it, climbing on top of it, throwing things at it and trying to push it. Instead of getting upset I thought, WHY NOT? Why not let him help out a little. So this is Gunner doing his new chore, shirtless because he got too hot and took it off, typical boy! Side Note- Since the day they were born until present day my girls scream and run as far away as they can get from the vacuume, even when it's not on.


Sarah said...

I had this same situation yesterday, it was cute and I thought why not, I just wish the help was useful.

Kleinmans said...

I love it! I don't think he moved it more than a foot but he just kept trying!! That's my boy!