Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Hike
Adam wanted to go hiking with the girls this morning. He said it was only twenty minutes, so I decided to go with. I figured if the girls could do it, at 35 weeks pregnant I could too???? I haven't been to the gym all week because I was sick, and my pants aren't fitting.... So I thought it would be good for me.When we got there, we had two trails to pick from. I asked him which one, and he picked, he acted like he knew (he hikes there a lot lately). About 5 minutes into it he admitted they had never done this hike before. It was switchbacks up and down the mountain, at sometimes a pretty steep climb (Yes, like stairs but bigger climb). It was really gorgeous when we got to the top, and it was only about 45min. Katie fell at least 6 or 7 times, it was all loose rock up and down. We did pass a beehive, all the bees making lots of honey. One followed me for a while. I wish we had of taken a picture, but forgot the cameras. It was still really fun, and wasn't too terrible. I think I only had two contractions. And only had to stop like every ten feet for water and to catch my breath. OK I WAS DYING! But it was really pretty, and I won't ever forget it. I was really impressed with what a good hiker Maddi was. We had to keep telling her to slow down and wait for us. I think she is going to be our "outdoorsie" girl. It was a good day.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Maddi's 5 pictures

Saturday, February 23, 2008
After School...
Maddi got Ryan & Jody's present
Ryan & Jody sent this present for Maddi's birthday. She was so excited to get it. She practically tore open the package before I could get to the camera. Her and Katie tore through it pulling everything out. Maddi was so crazy about all of it, I wish I could have captured her excitement when she first opened it. Because once I got the camera she was all business. Anyway, this is the short clip of Maddi and her "special" present from Ryan & Jody. Thank you Ryan & Jody, she totally loved the Barbie, and she wore the necklace all day. She loved the Princess stickers too. Of course Katie had to add her two cents into everything. So here's a little of Katie too. 

Happy Valentines Day
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Happy Birthday Michelley!

Michelle is still in the hospital, but trying new treatments. We are all praying it works, and praying for baby. Michelle is doing awesome. She is one of the most amazing people I know. She inspires me all the time. I just feel so lucky to have her as my sister. So A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE! This year isn't the best birthday, being stuck in the hospital with so much going on. But you are going to make it. And next year we can have a big party and get jiggy wit it!
Peter Piper Pizza
Date with Dad
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
To the Best Mother

My sister Michelle got some really bad news today. It was a hard day and in case she wasn't feeling her best I just want her to know, that I think she is the best mother in the world. She has been my best friend and sister since the day I was born. She has always taken care of me, and tried to include me in everything. Michelle can always light up the room, make you laugh and would give your her right arm if you needed it. To this day everytime I have to get a shot I think of Michelle, as a child she would always hold my hand and tell me to think about the cabin, or ice cream, anything to keep me from crying. She is the best! She gave me my first haircut, shared my first apartment with me, we baught our first house together. I look up to you, want to be just like you, try to beat you at everything, and I love you so much Michelle, I believe in you and I know you will make it through this. You are the greatest!
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