Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Hike

Adam wanted to go hiking with the girls this morning. He said it was only twenty minutes, so I decided to go with. I figured if the girls could do it, at 35 weeks pregnant I could too???? I haven't been to the gym all week because I was sick, and my pants aren't fitting.... So I thought it would be good for me.When we got there, we had two trails to pick from. I asked him which one, and he picked, he acted like he knew (he hikes there a lot lately). About 5 minutes into it he admitted they had never done this hike before. It was switchbacks up and down the mountain, at sometimes a pretty steep climb (Yes, like stairs but bigger climb). It was really gorgeous when we got to the top, and it was only about 45min. Katie fell at least 6 or 7 times, it was all loose rock up and down. We did pass a beehive, all the bees making lots of honey. One followed me for a while. I wish we had of taken a picture, but forgot the cameras. It was still really fun, and wasn't too terrible. I think I only had two contractions. And only had to stop like every ten feet for water and to catch my breath. OK I WAS DYING! But it was really pretty, and I won't ever forget it. I was really impressed with what a good hiker Maddi was. We had to keep telling her to slow down and wait for us. I think she is going to be our "outdoorsie" girl. It was a good day.


danberg said...

How fun! Was it the wind cave? There are always bees up there! My husband told on me to my doctor that I was hiking at 35 weeks, and my doctor told me I should be taking it easy. -- what a mean husband! J/K I know he was just concerned :)

Kleinmans said...

I'm so impressed! What a fun family!