Saturday, May 17, 2008

Back Yard Camp Out

Our kids are so lucky to have such a fun dad. Just for fun he set up the tent, lit a campfire, roasted marshmallows and camped in the backyard with the girls. They had such a great time. Adam said they woke with the Sun this morning. They will be tired tonight.


Peter Lee Family said...

The backyard campout looks like so much fun-what a fun idea. Your girls are so cute.

Lisa said...

How fun!!! I bet they will always remember things like that. What a great dad!

danberg said...

I didn't see any cats in the fire ring with your fire Adam, does that mean the trap isn't working anymore?!?:) Looks like fun! I can't wait to have a backyard, someday when I grow up!

Kleinmans said...

You have the best backyard to do things like that! How fun. I'm not going to let my boys see it or they'd be so jealous!! =)

Angela said...

Mari would be green with envy if she saw this! Adam is such a fun dad. What lucky kids!!