Thursday, May 29, 2008

Gunner At 2months

Here is our Gunner Man at 2months. He has been such a happy and wonderful baby. They just get better and better all the time. Little chunky monkey is about 13lbs. You can see he is smiling and pointing here at his favortie thing... his truck mobile. He loves it. If mom would just stand there and keep cranking it all day, he'd be happy.


Angela said...

Oh my gosh, he is so stinking cute!! Where does the time go? I feel so bad, I haven't see you enough. We need to get together SOON!! He is just adorable and getting so BIG! He and Will will be such good little buddies!

Kleinmans said...

Seriously?? He's 2 mo. already! Man time flies! He is so stinking cute. There's some pictures where I'm like, "oh, he's so Adam's twin." and then there's other pictures where I think he totally looks like our family. What a perfect little mix! He is such a beautiful boy!