Tuesday, January 27, 2009


My kids are the best little rhymers in the world. It's one of the funnest games to play in the car. We either think of a word or make one up and then rhyme with it. Yesterday Kaite and I were having some Mommy/Katie time just goofing around when Katie came up with a wonderful rhyming word. "Bucket" Here's a little rhyming game to help you think of what word she might have said. Bucket Bo Bucket bannana nanna Fo "F^*$%#@" Bucket. I tried so hard to hold in the laughter, she was totally innocent, and couldn't figure out why Dad was mad. I had to explain that sometimes words can be bad even if we don't know they are.


Anonymous said...

i love you funny girl

Anonymous said...

Now that is confusing even to me! What fun you guys have. I'm still holding my sides from laughing.