Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Maddi's Space Helmet

This is actually double funny... Maddi is still not ok with having to wipe herself. She doesn't like to have to wash her hands after she goes the bathroom, so she figured that if someone else wipes her, she doesn't have to wash her hands. So she will sit patiently waiting until someone comes to help her. Tonight when we found her she had made a space helmet out of toilet paper. Oh my creative child. This is the same Maddi who at 2yrs old was so proud of herself for making ski's out of mom's sanitary napkins. She came walking down the stairs with them stuck to the bottom of her feet and so proud of what she discovered. What a girl!!!


Quader's said...

Oh I love it! She is such a doll! too funny Felicia too funny thanks for sharing!

Angela said...

What a QT! I miss you guys!