Now is it ok to complain a little bit?? Yesterday was such a busy day. At 5:12am Gunner woke up as usual and I went downstairs made a bottle, fed him and burped him. Dozed off until 7:11 when Katie came bouncing in.
We got up and ate breakfast, I helped Maddi with her homework and got her dressed and hair done for school. I fed and changed Gunner. Katie had an accident in the same place Maddi had one last night. Cleaned it up. I made lunch for everyone, Gunner was fussy so I tried to get him to take a nap. He wouldn't go down no matter what I did. So I gave up trying and braught him back downstairs and put him in the bouncer while I got Maddi's last minute stuff for school together. Sent her off in the carpool.
Changed Gunner again and topped him off with a bottle. Got Katie dressed and ready for school, picked out her dance clothes and snack for after school. I bounced with Gunner a little more until he fell asleep and I put him in his carseat, loaded up Katie and took her to preschool.
Then I ran to the grocery store and picked up a few things for our Sunday Family dinner, dropped off the groceries, drove over to my dad's store to pick up paychecks, was 5 min late picking up Maddi from school. Dropped off the carpool, went by the house and picked up Maddi's dance clothes and snack. Picked up Katie and Brigg from preschool, dropped Brigg off at my mom's, fed and changed Gunner. Picked up Katie from dance, dropped off Maddi at dance, had to take a check to someone, picked up McDonald's for dinner drove back to pick up Maddi from dance.
Got home, ate our healthy dinner, fed and changed Gunner again, talked on the phone with a few different people from church about upcoming events. Put Gunner down for the night. WHEW! 7:45 had a presidency meeting, and the YM/YW show up for their scavenger hunt that is taking place in Adam's 40ton sandpit in the backyard. 9:27 Katie has another accident. Put towels down and get her in the bath and finish up my mtg. 9:42 done with the mtg. lock up in the backyard and the house, wrangle the girls together for bed. 10:37 finally in bed and asleep but I fell asleep during story time so when Adam came in at midnight I didn't hear him. I woke up at 2:30am and went and climbed back in bed. 3:12 Gunner wakes up. I go downstairs and make his bottle. Thank heavens he slept in until 7:15. I AM POOPED! It doesn't really get much easier after this. Every day brings something new and different.
But can I get a little break here? I'm still fighting this "whatever" illness and I'm trying to finish the primary program stuff up. The primary is helping with the ward activity and so I have errands all week of what I need to finish up for that coming up on Friday. I had class tonight and so I'm up late complaining about how busy my life is and how worn out I am. I'm sure I've lost all readers by now, but I'm almost done.
I just finished reading "The Holy Secret" by James Ferrell. In reading it I realized that my spirituality isn't based on if I did my VT this month or not, which I didn't. It isn't based on if I write a fabulous primary program, or plan the funnest sharing time for Sunday. I won't be judged on if my house was spotless and organized, which it never is. I won't be denied access at the pearly gates if I don't plan the greatest ward activity ever. My spiritual tank will be filled by my conection to my Father in Heaven, and how much effort I put into not just reading my scriptures but feasting and applying on what He has in store for me. I will connect with him, only through honest heartfelt prayer and conversation. But when did I have time for that today? And why is that not my priority? Or is it just my time and season for wiping up barf, pee and poo, picking up cookie crumbs off the floor, scrubbing toilets and trying to raise good righteous children while I go. Cause I'm burnt out, I don't have anything else to give.
On that note. This is Katie cleaning up her mess she made today. I just baught new toothpaste yesterday. Katie is always getting into it and doing things like this with it. Tonight when I caught her I made her sit in time out, clean it up and then I tried talking with her about how wasteful it is and how it costs money, and does she have money to buy toothpaste.... then the conversation goes like this,
Mom: Katie where does mommy's money come from?
Katie: From your wallet
Mom: And how does it get into my wallet?
Katie: Jesus puts it there.
How do you argue that???? Well I had her do some jobs around the house to work off the toothpaste that she wasted. I don't know if I got through or not, but if it's not the toothpaste it's the paint on the kitchen table, or the flour in the family room, or the nestle's quick all over the kitchen tile, or eggs smashed on the counter. Katie never quits. How could one little angel be so much work!
We stopped buying kid toothpaste a few months ago. The kids always had it all over the walls and everywhere else. We found the blandest adult toothpaste we could find, so it wouldn't burn their mouths (still does a little). They complained for a few weeks, but they are used to it now. I haven't really had any problems with wasting since then. Adult toothpaste isn't as fun as the kid stuff!
Wow Felicia no wonder you ended up in the hospital unable to respond. You have to slow down a bit. I don't know something. I am off on Friday's let me help in some way!
Now I don't feel so bad. I've been going crazy with my girls (especially the cranky 2 yr old) but you've definitely got me beat :-) Please let Thad and I help with something. Even if it's making dinner for you. What good are we as home teachers if we can't do something :-)
Sorry your day was sooo crazy! I wish we all had forgotten the meeting! jk :) Seriously, it could have waited! Katie is so cute, and so full of energy and other stuff ;) I love your kiddos, and please let me know if I can help at all!
Oh man, your day sounds so familiar! Thank you for picking up Briggy from preschool. If it's ever too much, let me know! Love you, hang in there!
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